I've been playing Doom Mods quite regularly recently and am really enjoying the new possibilities brought by source ports like GZDoom. I've started doing research streams where I give individual mods and Map Packs a quick try instead of giving them a full playthrough. That way, I can give them a try without the risk of mods interracting with each other and get a feel for them before attempting to get a bit more creative with them.

It's a nice casual way to give them a try and the results are easy to share thanks to stream highlights.

Watch Man on the Moon from TekAdvisor on www.twitch.tv

I was under the impression that there were multiple maps in this, but no; just one.

What a massive map it is, however! It was a bit too hard for me to complete, but I did find it entertaining and the nonlinear layout of the map allowed me...

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Watch Highlight: Disjunction from TekAdvisor on www.twitch.tv

Disjunction brings doom to vast open spaces in the first few levels. It's a lot of fun, but the challenge ramps up quickly.

Map Count: 11

Official Page

Creator: floatRand

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Watch Rekkr from TekAdvisor on www.twitch.tv

REKKR is a complete conversion for the Ultimate Doom 1.9 taking place in a fantasy setting as you play a viking going back home to find it destroyed and his loved ones killed... you can guess the rest of the story.

The arsenal includes soul-infused...

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Watch UAC Invasion: The Supply Depot from TekAdvisor on www.twitch.tv

I was pleasantly surprised by this mega-map as those don't always sit right with me (I usually have a better time playing a wad with a series of concise maps rather than one gigantic uninterrupted level) but this one proved to...

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