I've been playing Doom Mods quite regularly recently and am really enjoying the new possibilities brought by source ports like GZDoom. I've started doing research streams where I give individual mods and Map Packs a quick try instead of giving them a full playthrough. That way, I can give them a try without the risk of mods interracting with each other and get a feel for them before attempting to get a bit more creative with them.

It's a nice casual way to give them a try and the results are easy to share thanks to stream highlights.

Watch Highlight: Shadows of The Nightmare Realm from TekAdvisor on www.twitch.tv

This unsettling map set got me blocked when I first tried it a few months ago. Did I level up my switch-hunting skills?

Official Page

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Watch Blood: The Curse Hunter from TekAdvisor on www.twitch.tv

I had pretty high expectations for this mod set in the world of Blood, the 1996 FPS. I'm not exactly sure how it compares to the game it takes inspiration from, but I didn't have the best experience with it. A few bugs got in the way...

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Watch Umbra of Fate from TekAdvisor on www.twitch.tv

Unbra of Fate was thoroughly impressive, oozing with style and taking advantage of GZDoom's features to create a challenging and atmospheric experience.

DoomWorld Page

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Watch Preacher from TekAdvisor on www.twitch.tv

If playing as Blood's Cultist bolstered by faith and armed with a few custom weapons and pick-ups dispatching demons in jaw-dropping, logic-defying levels sounds appealing to you, then this mod is well worth a look. Just expect a few Christianity-t...

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