I've been playing Doom Mods quite regularly recently and am really enjoying the new possibilities brought by source ports like GZDoom. I've started doing research streams where I give individual mods and Map Packs a quick try instead of giving them a full playthrough. That way, I can give them a try without the risk of mods interracting with each other and get a feel for them before attempting to get a bit more creative with them.

It's a nice casual way to give them a try and the results are easy to share thanks to stream highlights.

Watch Highlight: Smooth Doom from TekAdvisor on www.twitch.tv

Doom's not exactly known for subtlety, but the animations can definitely be upgraded without altering the gameplay.

Official Page, including downloads for accompanying texture and sound effects add-ons

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Watch Man on the Moon from TekAdvisor on www.twitch.tv

I was under the impression that there were multiple maps in this, but no; just one.

What a massive map it is, however! It was a bit too hard for me to complete, but I did find it entertaining and the nonlinear layout of the map allowed me...

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Watch Joy of Mapping 3 from TekAdvisor on www.twitch.tv

I Had a pretty good time with Joy of Mapping 3; it delivered interesting challenges and fun gameplay even if levels weren't technically the most advanced out there. Having them set to each start with the pistol does mean, however, that mods...

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Watch Freedoom from TekAdvisor on www.twitch.tv

If you do not have Doom to play all those wonderful mods, Freedoom offers all the base resources necessary and is even pretty fun to play as-is.

Official Site

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Watch Exomoon from TekAdvisor on www.twitch.tv

This map pack sure bumped the difficulty rapidly. Those are nice-looking levels and from what I've seen; I like how they're structured, but resources very much felt scarce compared to what we usually face in similar Doom maps.

Maps: 24


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