I've been playing Doom Mods quite regularly recently and am really enjoying the new possibilities brought by source ports like GZDoom. I've started doing research streams where I give individual mods and Map Packs a quick try instead of giving them a full playthrough. That way, I can give them a try without the risk of mods interracting with each other and get a feel for them before attempting to get a bit more creative with them.

It's a nice casual way to give them a try and the results are easy to share thanks to stream highlights.

Watch Highlight: Doom Mod Research Night from TekAdvisor on www.twitch.tv

If the original Doom is too Oldschool for you; Zion brings several of Doom 2016's visual, musical and gameplay elements to the GZDoom engine. It's still in development, but it's already quite promising.

Official Site

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Watch Metal Skin from TekAdvisor on www.twitch.tv

Metal Skin is a mod bringing mech-based combat to the GZDoom Engine. Still in very early development, but I like what we've got so far.

Official Site

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Watch DoomRL Arsenal from TekAdvisor on www.twitch.tv

DoomRL Arsenal brings some of the mechanics of Doom Rogue-Like to Doom, including classes, extended inventory and bestiary and randomizer.

Official Site

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Watch Highlight: Dakka from TekAdvisor on www.twitch.tv

The words "Doom" and "Dakka" definitely go hand in hand and this gameplay mod spruces up the gunplay significantly.

Official Page

Creator: ijon

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Watch Beautiful Doom (dev. version 2019-04-15) from TekAdvisor on www.twitch.tv

Beautiful Doom modernizes the Doom Experience without altering the gameplay significantly. Weapons mostly look the same but are slightly more effective (at the lower inventory tiers at least) and now have alt fire mo...

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